Frequently Ask Questions

Table of Contents


Who is DearTime?

DearTime is the first life insurer in the Bank Negara Malaysia Sandbox who aims to close insurance penetration gap in Malaysia and democratize insurance industry by offering affordable, pure protection products which comes with a fully digitalized end-to-end process.

How is DearTime’s business model different from that of a traditional insurance?

We adhere to three essential principles: affordability, simplicity and accessibility.

  1. Affordable: We sell our insurance products directly to you without any middlemen and commission. We also remove non-insurance frills such as investments and savings that are expensive and focus solely on protection.
  2. Simple: Our process is fully digital, you can purchase, edit, claim and perform any other function via our mobile application.
  3. Accessible: Anyone can sign up as a DearTime User at any time and from any location, addressing the issue of traditional insurers’ low reach out percentage in rural areas.

How do I get DearTime insurance products?

DearTime insurance products can be purchased via DearTime app which can be downloaded from AppStore or PlayStore. Click here to download DearTime app.

What kind of policies or products does DearTime offers?

DearTime offers 5 basis yearly renewable life insurance products which are Death, Medical, Disability, Critical Illness and Accidents. Click here to find out more details on products.

Who is insuring and underwriting the insurance policies?

All insurance products offer by DearTime is insured and underwritten by DearTime. DearTime is an approved participant in the Bank Negara Malaysia Fintech Regulatory Sandbox to conduct insurance business. Approval would be required to be licensed under Financial Services Act 2013 upon graduation from the sandbox.

Is DearTime reinsured?

Yes, DearTime’s insurance policies are reinsured by reinsurer – Malaysia Life Reinsurance Group Berhad (MLRe). A reinsurer is a company that provides financial protection to insurance companies such as transfer risk, reduce capital requirements, and lower claimant payouts.

How can I reach DearTime?

You can always get in touch with us via live chat that is available on our app or if you prefer to speak to us directly, you can contact us at +603-86053511

How do you keep my information private and confidential?

We highly value and respect your privacy (see our Privacy Policy). We will never sell your information, or share it with anyone except for the purposes of providing our services and promoting our business.


How do I sign up for DearTime’s insurance product?

To begin, download the DearTime app and create an account. Personal information such as nationality, religion, identification number, address, occupation, and income must be completed. You can choose the product you want to buy from the “Policy” menu. After that, you’ll be guided through our fully digital seamless application process.

Am I required to go for medical checkup to purchase DearTime’s insurance product?

No medical checkup or examination is required. You just need to complete the medical survey via our mobile application.

What are the documents required to apply for DearTime’s insurance product?

You need to prepare your identification documents (i.e., MyKad/Passport) to conduct e-KYC verification.

What is e-KYC?

KYC is the abbreviation of Know Your Customer. It has been mandated by Bank Negara Malaysia that financial institutions must perform KYC before providing any financial service to customers. KYC is done with the purpose of establishing the identity and verifying the credentials of any customer. The e-KYC process, often called paperless KYC, is the process of electronically verifying the credentials of a customer.

What is the e-KYC verification process?

You will require to follow on-screen instruction to snap a selfie of yourself and a snapshot of your identification document. Our e-KYC solution is able to detect the liveliness of your selfie and hence you must present yourself to the camera to complete the verification.

What if I failed the verification of e-KYC?

Don’t worry, our customer service will contact and help you to complete the verification process. You also can contact us via our Live Help function.

Why did I have to go through the nomination process?

By doing so, this will enable us to pay the approved claim proceeds to your nominee upon your death. If no nomination is made, the proceeds will be paid to the executor of the Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration, which could take years.

As a result, we’ve made the nomination mandatory in order for your loved ones to receive financial assistance as soon as possible. You’ll need to appoint a trustee if your nomination forms a trust. You may refer to the Nomination FAQ for more information.

Is it possible for me not to use any of my premium for Thanksgiving?

Thanksgiving has been included in your premium as an act of gifting to share love and joy to others. It is one of our principle to promote social wellbeing. Hence, you are free to allocate the 10% of your premium to yourself (for B40 group only), Referrer or Sponsored Insurance. You may refer to the Thanksgiving FAQ for more information.

Why is it necessary for me to provide a bank account?

This is to enable DearTime to pay any claim proceeds or money due to you.

I don’t have a credit card/debit card; is there any other way to pay?

We only accept credit card/debit card payments to enable the auto debit option, which ensures that your premium is paid on time and that your coverage is not interrupted due to a missing payment.

How can I know if my policy has been approved?

Every time you make a successful purchase, you will immediately receive an in-app notification and you can always find your policy information (e.g., Policy Contract and Product Disclosure Sheet) and other details in our mobile app’s “Policy” menu.

Nomination & Trust

What is Nomination?

The process through which the policy owner names one or more person (“Nominee”) to receive the policy money in the case of a death claim is known as a nomination.

In accordance with Financial Services Act 2013 (“FSA 2013”), in the case of a non-Muslim policy owner, a trust will be created in favour of the nominee under the following circumstances:

  • If the nominee is the spouse or child of the policy owner, or
  • If the nominee is the policy owner’s parent (provided that there is no living spouse or child at the time of such nomination).

Why is it important to nominate someone?

It is to ensure your nominee receive the policy moneys upon your death. If no nomination is made, the proceeds will be paid to the executor of the Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration, which could take years.

It will be beneficial that your loved ones have immediate access to the policy moneys.

How should I submit my nomination?

We’ve made the nomination process more convenient for you by digitising it. We made nomination mandatory during our purchasing process. All you have to do is to fill the nominee details at the nomination screen when you purchase our products. Your nominee/s will be notified accordingly.

Is there anything my nominee needs to do after I have submitted my nomination?

If your nominee is a registered DearTime user, he/she will receive our in-app notification after you have completed the nomination.

If your nominee is not a registered DearTime user, he/she will receive our email invitation to download our mobile application and register as a user. Please note that your nominee must register as our user in order to submit a claim.

Who can I nominate?

You can nominate anyone you want.

For non-Muslim policy owner, if you nominate your spouse, child, or parents (if no living spouse or child), a trust will be created to ensure they will receive the policy moneys beneficially.

If you nominate any other person or in the case of a Muslim policy owner, your nominee will receive the policy moneys as executor which form part of your estate and subject to your debts.

Can I nominate more than one person?

Yes, you can nominate more than one person. The total allocation of all nominees should be 100%.

Can I allocate all my policy moneys to DearTime – Charity Fund?

Yes, you can assign a portion or all of your policy moneys to DearTime – Charity Fund. You are required to complete the Assignment Form available in our app.

Where can I find my nomination details?

You may view the details of your nomination in our app’s “Beneficiary Details” menu or in your policy contract.

I noticed a “status” under my nominee’s name; what does that mean?

Status” shows the progress of your nomination, please refer to definition below:

  • “Pending” – It signifies that your nominee has yet to register as a user with us, and the nomination is not complete.
  • “Registered” – Your nomination is completed.

Can I change my nomination?

Yes, you can update or change your nominee any time via our app. However, if your policy is a trust policy, any changes will require the trustee’s consent.

Can I have different nomination for different coverage I had purchase from DearTime?

No, your nomination should apply to all coverages.

What if my nominee passes away before me?

You can nominate one or more nominees to replace the deceased nominee. If you did not make any replacement of nominee, the portion of the deceased nominee’s policy moneys shall be paid to the remaining nominees in the proportion to their respective shares.

What if my nominees passed away before my claim is paid?

If there are more than one nominee, we will pay the remaining nominees in the proportion of their respective shares. If there is no other nominee, we shall pay the claim proceeds to your lawful executor or administrator. If there is no lawful executor or administrator at the time of payment, we shall pay to the spouse, child or parent (in that order) in accordance with Section 6 of the Distribution Act 1958.

In the case of a trust policy, the money goes to the estate of the nominee.

How do I appoint my trustee?

We’ve made the trust appointment process more convenient for you by digitizing it. Once we detected a trust has been made under your nomination, we will display the list of eligible trustees (which is your nominee), you are required to select one trustee or you can appoint another trustee by providing the details of the trustee in particular. Any person who is aged 18 years old and above except the policy owner can be a trustee.

You need to complete the Nomination/Trustee form available in the “Beneficiary Details” menu. Else, your policy will be deemed as no trustee has been appointed.

What happens if no trustee is appointed?

Where no trustee is appointed, a competent nominee shall become the trustee. If no nominee is competent, the parent other than the policy owner shall become the trustee. If there is no surviving parent, the Public Trustee or a trust company appointed by the policy owner can become the trustee.

If I nominate my child and my brother or my father, is this consider a trust policy?

Your policy will be considered as a partial trust policy. A trust will be created in favour of your child but not your brother or father.

How will it affect me as a policy owner if my insurance is a trust policy?

You cannot deal with the policy without the consent of your trustee. Dealing means: Adding a nominee other than your spouse, child, or parent; Revoking a nomination; Varying or cancelling a policy; Assigning or pledging the policy as security.

Sponsored Insurance

What is Sponsored Insurance

Sponsored Insurance is an insurance coverage fully sponsored by DearTime – Charity Fund specifically for B1 and B2 group of Malaysia citizens who earns monthly household income up to RM 3,400. It is an initiative by DearTime to increase the insurance penetration rate amongst Malaysians. Sponsored Insurance is the first of its kind and it is an initiative to spread love and care by giving back to the community.

How does the Sponsored Insurance sponsorship works?

Our products have a Thanksgiving feature that allows the policy owner to donate up to 10% of their insurance premiums to the DearTime – Charity Fund. We will promptly effect the Sponsored Insurance for the eligible applicant on a first-come-first-serve basis once the Charity Fund is sufficient to sponsor for insurance.

Who is eligible for Sponsored Insurance?

B1 and B2 group of Malaysian citizens with monthly household income up to RM3,400 can opt to register for Sponsored Insurance sponsorship.

How can I register to be sponsored for Sponsored Insurance?

First, you need to download DearTime app and register as an account user. Once registered and if your household monthly income is ≤ RM3,400, then you can apply for Sponsored Insurance. You need to provide your number of household members, each member’s identity, occupation, and proof of income for eligibility verification process.

Upon successful application, you shall be sponsored on a first-come-first-serve basis. If your application is rejected, you can opt to purchase DearTime Insurance on your own.

How to check my Sponsored Insurance application status?

You can check the status of your application in our app. When your application is accepted, we will register you on the Sponsored Insurance waiting list. Once your Sponsored Insurance takes effect, we will notify you by email with a copy of the policy contract. You can also find more detailed information from our app.

What benefit is offered under Sponsored Insurance?

All 5 DearTime Insurance products are available for Sponsored Insurance. For Death, Disability, Critical Illness and Accident products, you can choose your coverage amount up to the maximum limit stated in the table below. Medical coverage is only applicable to Government Hospital.

GroupDeathDisabilityCritical IllnessAccident
Child (age <= 15)15,00010,00010,000Up to selected
Death coverage
Student (age >= 16)20,00015,00015,000
Retiree, Pensioner20,00015,00015,000
Working Group25,00025,00025,000

How long does my Sponsored Insurance coverage last?

Your Sponsored Insurance coverage lasts for 1 year and renewal is subject to your eligibility and the availability of Charity Fund.

Will my Sponsored Insurance be renewed automatically every year?

Renewal is not automatic. Every year, we need to verify your eligibility again. You will be prompted to re-update your number of household members, each member’s identity, occupation and proof of income 30 days before each renewal date.

What will happen to my coverage if DearTime Charity Fund is insufficient?

Your Sponsored Insurance will be discontinued and you will be placed back on the Sponsored Insurance waiting list if DearTime Charity Fund is insufficient upon renewal. Your coverage will resume when sufficient fund is available, subject to terms and conditions.

Can I edit my coverage?

Yes, you can. However, you can only edit your coverage during renewals subject to the maximum limit.

Can I cancel my coverage after successful sponsorship of Sponsored Insurance?

Yes, you can cancel your coverage within 15 days from your coverage start date and the premium paid will be refunded to DearTime – Charity Fund.

Referral Program

What is Referral Program?

DearTime Berhad offers brand supporters the opportunity to participate in its Referral Program. Referrer has the chance to earn additional income by referring families and friends to sign up for and buy DearTime’s insurance products.

What should I do to become a Referrer?

You will need to register as a DearTime’s user (Individual or Corporate) and complete identity verification on our App and has a valid bank account. Once registration is completed, you can start sharing an invitation with family and friends.

How should I send the invitation to my families and friends?

After completing the registration process, there are two options for inviting family and friends via our mobile application: –

  1. You can share your unique referral link to your families and friends through social media, chat apps or email.
  2. You can also flash or download your unique referral QR code and make it available for anyone to scan and become a DearTime user.

How can I ensure that my name will be mentioned as a Referrer for those I’ve invited?

Your invitees must download DearTime mobile application using your unique referral link or QR code and complete the registration. Your invitee will become your “Referee” once they have registered as a DearTime’s user.

What can I earn in participating in DearTime’s Referral Program?

For every DearTime insurance policy that your Referee owns, they can show their gratitude by allocate up to 10% of the insurance premium to you as a Thanksgiving (gift).

When will I receive my Thanksgiving?

Thanksgiving will be credited to your registered bank account by the 15th day of every month. You can find the payment report under the “Referral” menu of the DearTime app.

Can I be a Referrer if I am not covered with DearTime’s insurance?

Yes, even if you haven’t purchased our product, you can be our Referrer.

Can the Referee change his/her Referrer?


Can Referee allocate Thanksgiving to multiple Referrer?

No. At all times, every Referee will only have one Referrer.

Is the Thanksgiving a one-time or perpetual?

Referrer will receive the gift perpetually for as long as the Referee continues to allocate the Thanksgiving to Referrer and the insurance policy is remains active.

What will happen to Thanksgiving if the Referrer passed away?

Upon the death of the Referrer, the Thanksgiving payable will be reallocated to Sponsored Insurance.

Buy For Others

What is Buy for Others?

While purchasing insurance to protect from financial losses in the event of an unfortunate event is undeniably important, DearTime also understands the desire to protect not only yourself but also the people you care about. As a result, DearTime offers to market first “Buy for Others” features, which allow you to purchase insurance for anyone.

How does Buy for Others work?

The following steps illustrate how Buy for Others works:

  1. First, you must enter the information for the intended person (“contract owner” or “insured” if the person is under the age of 16) for whom you wish to purchase insurance for in our mobile app.
  2. Then you can choose the insurance products and follow by the full digital application process (i.e., e-KYC, bank account registration, and credit/debit card payment registration).
  3. Before charging your credit/debit card for premium payment, we will notify the contract owner and request permission to accept your kindness.

What is the difference between contract owner and insured?

“Contract Owner” means the person named in the policy contract that owns the contract and can exercise all rights, privileges, and options available under the contract. “Insured” is the person who is covered under the contract.

Besides for policy where the insured is a child under the age of 16, the Contract Owner will be the same person as the Insured.

Is there any criteria on the person to whom I choose to buy insurance?

You can buy for anyone as young as 14 days old, but the contract owner must be at least 16 years old and above. Furthermore, you cannot be his/her nominee for the insurance that he/she owns if he/she is not your:

  1. Spouse, or
  2. Child, or
  3. Parent, or
  4. Sibling, or
  5. Grandchildren.

Can I purchase insurance for my child under the age of 16?

You certainly can. We accept applications from children as young as 14 days old. However, if your child is under the age of 16, you must first register them under your DearTime user account before purchasing insurance. You will then become the contract owner for your child’s insurance policy and your child is the insured of the policy

Can I appoint someone else to be the contract owner of my child’s policy

No, You can’t.

How will DearTime notify the contract owner?

The steps below show how we notify the contract owner:

  1. If the contract owner is already a DearTime user, we will notify him/her through an in-app notification.
  2. If the contract owner is not a user of ours, we will send him/her an email informing him/her of your offers.
  3. Before he/she can accept your offer, he/she must first download our app and register as a user.

What if the contract owner has not responded or rejected the offer to buy insurance for him/her

The contract owner will have five days to accept your offer. If he/she does not respond after that, or responded but rejects your offer, your offer becomes null and void. If you want to try again, you will need to resubmit.

What are the insurance products that I can buy for others?

You may choose any product or multiple products, subject to the maximum age of the insured as shown in the table below.

ProductsMaximum Age (years old)
Critical Illness60

Can I buy insurance for someone who is applying for DearTime’s Sponsored insurance?

You certainly can. We will notify the contract owner so that he or she can decide whether to accept your offer or continue with the Sponsored insurance application. Once he/she accepts your offer, we will remove him/her from the sponsored insurance application.

Which date my credit/debit card will be charged for premium payment?

Once the contract owner accepts your offer, we will immediately charge your credit/debit card for the premium payment, and the recurring payment will be debited based on the frequency (monthly or yearly) that you have selected.

If the contract owner already has a DearTime policy, the first premium will be prorated for the period of coverage up to the next premium due date, and the recurring payment will be debited based on the existing premium due date.

Can I cancel the policy that I purchased for the insured?

Yes, you can:

  1. If you cancel your policy within 15 days from the date you first purchase, we will refund your premium paid to your bank account.
  2. After the 15-days cancellation period, you can cancel the coverage anytime. There will be no refund of the premium.
  3. In any of the scenarios described above, we will ask the contract owner whether they want to continue the coverage by paying on their own or not.

Can I edit the policy after the purchase?

Yes, you can change the coverage whenever you want. However, according to the contract, such changes require the approval from contract owner. If the policy is a trust policy (refer to Nomination and Trust FAQ), any delete or decrease in coverage will require trustee consent. We will notify the contract owner and trustee (if applicable) of the changes and will only execute the changes after receiving approval.

Time Tube

What is Time Tube?

The concept of Time Tube was born out of DearTime’s philosophy on how precious and limited time is to us. Its Malay translation is “Tabung Masa”, which is inspired by Tabung Buluh – a bamboo cylinder with a chink to insert coins and notes, traditionally used in Malaysia to save money.

How does Time Tube work?

All DearTime users who have active coverage with DearTime will automatically collect Time every second that they live. In DearTime app, you can see how much Time you have collected in your Time Tube. We will be introducing the next phase of Time Tube soon, so stay tuned to find out what Time Tube’s secret is.



What is Accident plan?

Accident plan is a yearly renewable term plan that pays out a lump sum amount (“Coverage Amount”) in the event of your death or Total and Permanent Disability (“TPD”) due to accident whichever occurs first.

This amount is paid to your nominee if it is accidental death or to you if it is accidental TPD. You need to have Death coverage before eligible to purchase this plan.

What is the definition of Total and Permanent Disability (“TPD”)?

TPD is a condition in when you suffer a permanent disability arising from illness or injury and you are unable to do any work anymore or perform basic living functions. For the complete definition of TPD, kindly refer to Product Disclosure Sheet or Contract.

How long is the coverage?

Accident coverage lasts for 1 year. You can renew the policy every year until you are 70 years old.

Does this product suit me?

This product is suitable if you want pure protection at the most affordable cost. However, you should be satisfied that this plan fulfills your needs and that the premium is within budget.

What is the amount of coverage I should choose?

The aim is to reduce your family’s and your financial burden should an unfortunate event happens. The amount of coverage depends on your budget and financial needs. Nevertheless, you must ensure that you can afford the premium throughout the coverage term. Click here to find out the coverage amount that suits you.

How much premium do I have to pay?

Premium depends on your age, occupation and amount of coverage. You only pay for what you need, hence your premium increases as you age at each renewal date. To find out what your current and future premiums are, please refer to Product Disclosure Sheet.

Is there any additional fees that I need to pay?

No additional fees will be charged.

Do I get Income Tax Relief for premiums paid?

No, premiums paid for accident policy do not qualify for Income Tax Relief as specified by the Inland Revenue Board

Who is eligible to purchase DearTime’s Accident plan?

All Malaysians aged between 14 days old and 65 years old is eligible to purchase this plan.

I’m a Malaysian, however, I’m now residing in another country. Can I buy this plan?

Unfortunately, we are unable to provide you with an insurance policy at this time. We are working hard to offer coverage for customer in your situation; you may sign up to become our User and stay tuned for future updates.

How can I know more about the features and benefits of DearTime’s Accident plan?

You can learn more about the features, benefits and exclusion by referring to the Product Disclosure Sheet and Contract.

Why do I need to provide documents like MyKad and take a selfie?

It is our duty, as a responsible financial institution, to verify the identity of our customers. Please ensure the image provided shows your details clearly. We reserve the right to cancel your policy if we are unable to satisfactorily verify your identity through the documents provided.

How do I change my contact details?

You can change your email address and mobile number in DearTime App. If you change your email address, we will send the verification code to your mobile number, and vice versa.

Is Sales and Services Tax (SST) chargeable for DearTime Products?

SST is only chargeable to corporate payers and not to individual payers. However, the government may impose or increase taxes at any time which you may be required to pay at the prevailing rate.

What happens if my auto billing of premium fails?

If auto billing of premium fails, your coverage will be deactivated automatically if the premium is not paid within the grace period of 30 days.

Can I reactivate my coverage after it is deactivated?

No, you have to go through the usual purchase process.

Can I change my premium payment frequency?

Payer may switch the premium frequency anytime between monthly and yearly:

  1. If it is switched to monthly mode, the new premium frequency will take effect from the next premium due date.
  2. If it is switched to yearly mode, the new premium frequency will take effect immediately upon successful payment of unpaid annual premium that is outstanding until the next renewal date.
Can I change my payment card?

Yes, you can change your payment card on DearTime App under your user account. The new card will be charged on the next premium due date.

Can I change the amount of coverage after purchasing?

You can increase or decrease the Coverage Amount anytime in DearTime App:

  1. Increased coverage amount will take effect immediately upon successful payment of additional premium prorated to the next premium due date.
  2. Decreased coverage amount will take effect on the next premium due date.
Can I cancel my coverage after purchasing it?

Yes, you can:

  1. If you cancel your policy within 15 days from the date you first purchase, we will refund your premium to your bank account.
  2. After the 15-days cancellation period, you can deactivate your coverage anytime. Your coverage will be deactivated on the next premium due date. There will be no refund of premium.
Can I purchase Accident plan if I already have a medical condition?

No, we are unable to offer you Accident plan if you already have a medical condition.

Am I required to go for medical checkup to purchase DearTime’s Accident plan?

No medical checkup or examination is required. You just need to complete the medical survey. You can also get our panel doctor from a panel clinic near you to assist you to answer. All you need to do is to pay the medical survey fee to the panel clinic first and we will reimburse you when your coverage starts.

What will happen if I did not answer the medical survey truthfully or mistakenly declare wrong information?

It is important that you disclose all required information correctly and truthfully. False disclosure may result in claims rejection. We reserve the right to verify all information provided by you and may void/cancel the policy if we discover that you have provided incorrect information.

When will I receive my policy document after purchasing Accident plan?

Immediately upon successful purchase, you can view your Product Disclosure Sheet and Policy Contract in your DearTime account.

Will there be an agent to assist me in purchasing, editing and claiming my coverage?

We have made insurance processes simple, fully digital and at your convenience. If you have any question, you can contact us via live chat, email or our customer service helpline.

Who can I nominate?

You can nominate any individual as nominee for your policy. However, you cannot nominate a corporation or organization.

Can I change my nominees?

Yes, you can change your nominees anytime in your DearTime account, unless a Trust is created as follows whereby consent from the Trustee is required:

A Trust in favor of the Nominee(s) is created under Section 130 of the Financial Services Act 2013 (Schedule 10), if the Nominee(s) of the Policy Owner (other than a Muslim Policy Owner) falls into one or more of the following categories:

  1. Spouse only; or
  2. Child only; or
  3. Spouse and Child only; or
  4. Parent only (where there is no spouse or child living at the time of making this nomination).
Who may I contact for enquiries on my coverage and where can I get more information?

Live chat: in DearTime app 
Customer Service Helpline: +603 8605 3511
Email: help@deartime.com

Critical Illness

What is Critical Illness plan?

Critical Illness plan cover is a yearly renewable term plan that pays you the Coverage Amount if you are diagnosed with one of the 45 critical illnesses as stated in the Product Disclosure Sheet and Contract.

How long is the coverage?

Critical Illness coverage lasts for 1 year. You can renew the policy every year until you are 100 years old.

Does this product suit me?

This product is suitable if you want pure protection at the most affordable cost. However, you should be satisfied that this plan fulfils your needs and that the premium is within budget.

What is the amount of coverage I should choose?

The aim is to reduce your family’s and your financial burden should an unfortunate event happens. The amount of coverage depends on your budget and financial needs. Nevertheless, you must ensure that you can afford the premium throughout the coverage term. Click here to find out the coverage amount that suits you.

How much premium do I have to pay?

Premium depends on your age, occupation and amount of coverage. You only pay for what you need, hence your premium increases as you age at each renewal date. To find out what your current and future premiums are, please refer to Product Disclosure Sheet.

Is there any additional fees that I need to pay?

No additional fees will be charged.

Do I get Income Tax Relief for premiums paid?

Yes, you may qualify for personal income tax relief subject to final decision of the Inland Revenue Board.

Who is eligible to purchase DearTime’s Critical Illness plan?

All Malaysians aged between 14 days old and 60 years old is eligible to purchase this plan.

I’m a Malaysian, however, I’m now residing in another country. Can I buy this plan?

Unfortunately, we are unable to provide you with an insurance policy at this time. We are working hard to offer coverage for customer in your situation; you may sign up to become our User and stay tuned for future updates.

How can I know more about the features and benefits of DearTime’s Critical Illness plan?

You can learn more about the features, benefits and exclusion by referring to the Product Disclosure Sheet and Contract.

Why do I need to provide documents like MyKad and take a selfie?

It is our duty, as a responsible financial institution, to verify the identity of our customers. Please ensure the image provided shows your details clearly. We reserve the right to cancel your policy if we are unable to satisfactorily verify your identity through the documents provided.

How do I change my contact details?

You can change your email address and mobile number in DearTime App. If you change your email address, we will send the verification code to your mobile number, and vice versa.

Is Sales and Services Tax (SST) chargeable for DearTime Products?

SST is only chargeable to corporate payers and not to individual payers. However, the government may impose or increase taxes at any time which you may be required to pay at the prevailing rate.

What happens if my auto billing of premium fails?

If auto billing of premium fails, your coverage will be deactivated automatically if the premium is not paid within the grace period of 30 days.

Can I reactivate my coverage after it is deactivated?

No, you have to go through the usual purchase process.

Can I change my premium payment frequency?

Payer may switch the premium frequency anytime between monthly and yearly:

  1. If it is switched to monthly mode, the new premium frequency will take effect from the next premium due date.
  2. If it is switched to yearly mode, the new premium frequency will take effect immediately upon successful payment of unpaid annual premium that is outstanding until the next renewal date.
Can I change my payment card?

Yes, you can change your payment card on DearTime App under your user account. The new card will be charged on the next premium due date.

Can I change the amount of coverage after purchasing?

You can increase or decrease the Coverage Amount anytime in DearTime App:

  1. Increased coverage amount will take effect immediately upon successful payment of additional premium prorated to the next premium due date.
  2. Decreased coverage amount will take effect on the next premium due date.
Can I cancel my coverage after purchasing it?

Yes, you can:

  1. If you cancel your policy within 15 days from the date you first purchase, we will refund your premium to your bank account.
  2. After the 15-days cancellation period, you can deactivate your coverage anytime. Your coverage will be deactivated on the next premium due date. There will be no refund of premium.
Can I purchase Critical Illness plan if I already have a medical condition?

No, we are unable to offer you Critical Illness plan if you already have a medical condition.

Am I required to go for medical checkup to purchase Critical Illness plan?

No medical checkup or examination is required. You just need to complete the medical survey. You can also get our panel doctor from a panel clinic near you to assist you to answer. All you need to do is to pay the medical survey fee to the panel clinic first and we will reimburse you when your coverage starts.

What will happen if I did not answer the medical survey truthfully or mistakenly declare wrong information?

It is important that you disclose all required information correctly and truthfully. False disclosure may result in claims rejection. We reserve the right to verify all information provided by you and may void/cancel the policy if we discover that you have provided incorrect information.

When will I receive my policy document after purchasing Critical Illness plan?

Immediately upon successful purchase, you can view your Product Disclosure Sheet and Policy Contract in your DearTime account.

Will there be an agent to assist me in purchasing, editing and claiming my coverage?

We have made insurance processes simple, fully digital and at your convenience. If you have any question, you can contact us via live chat, email or our customer service helpline.

Who may I contact for enquiries on my coverage and where can I get more information?

Live chat: in DearTime app 
Customer Service Helpline: +603 8605 3511
Email: help@deartime.com


What is Death plan?

Death plan is a yearly renewable term plan that pays out a lump sum amount (“Coverage Amount”) in the event of your death. This amount is paid to your nominee.

How long is the coverage?

Death coverage lasts for 1 year. You can renew the policy every year until you are 100 years old.

Does this product suit me?

This product is suitable if you want pure protection at the most affordable cost. However, you should be satisfied that this plan fulfills your needs and that the premium is within budget.

What is the amount of coverage I should choose?

The aim is to reduce your family’s and your financial burden should an unfortunate event happens. The amount of coverage depends on your budget and financial needs. Nevertheless, you must ensure that you can afford the premium throughout the coverage term. Click here to find out the coverage amount that suits you.

How much premium do I have to pay?

Premium depends on your age, gender, occupation and amount of coverage. You only pay for what you need, hence your premium increases as you age at each renewal date. To find out what your current and future premiums are, please refer to Product Disclosure Sheet.

Is there any additional fees that I need to pay?

No additional fees will be charged.

Do I get Income Tax Relief for premiums paid?

Yes, you may qualify for personal income tax relief subject to final decision of the Inland Revenue Board.

Who is eligible to purchase Death plan?

All Malaysians aged between 14 days old and 65 years old is eligible to purchase this plan.

I’m a Malaysian, however, I’m now residing in another country. Can I buy this plan?

Unfortunately, we are unable to provide you with an insurance policy at this time. We are working hard to offer coverage for customer in your situation; you may sign up to become our User and stay tuned for future updates.

How can I know more about the features and benefits of Death plan?

You can learn more about the features, benefits and exclusion by referring to the Product Disclosure Sheet and Contract.

Why do I need to provide documents like MyKad and take a selfie?

It is our duty, as a responsible financial institution, to verify the identity of our customers. Please ensure the image provided shows your details clearly. We reserve the right to cancel your policy if we are unable to satisfactorily verify your identity through the documents provided.

How do I change my contact details?

You can change your email address and mobile number in DearTime App. If you change your email address, we will send the verification code to your mobile number, and vice versa.

Is Sales and Services Tax (SST) chargeable for DearTime products?

SST is only chargeable to corporate payers and not to individual payers. However, the government may impose or increase taxes at any time which you may be required to pay at the prevailing rate.

What happens if my auto billing of premium fails?

If auto billing of premium fails, your coverage will be deactivated automatically if the premium is not paid within the grace period of 30 days.

Can I reactivate my coverage after it is deactivated?

No, you have to go through the usual purchase process.

Can I change my premium payment frequency?

Payer may switch the premium frequency anytime between monthly and yearly:

  1. If it is switched to monthly mode, the new premium frequency will take effect from the next premium due date.
  2. If it is switched to yearly mode, the new premium frequency will take effect immediately upon successful payment of unpaid annual premium that is outstanding until the next renewal date.
Can I change my payment card?

Yes, you can change your payment card on DearTime App under your user account. The new card will be charged on the next premium due date.

Can I change the amount of coverage after purchasing?

You can increase or decrease the Coverage Amount anytime in DearTime App:

  1. Increased coverage amount will take effect immediately upon successful payment of additional premium prorated to the next premium due date.
  2. Decreased coverage amount will take effect on the next premium due date.
Can I cancel my coverage after purchasing it?

Yes, you can:

  1. If you cancel your policy within 15 days from the date you first purchase, we will refund your premium to your bank account.
  2. After the 15-days cancellation period, you can deactivate your coverage anytime. Your coverage will be deactivated on the next premium due date. There will be no refund of premium.
  3. If you have Accident coverage, it shall be cancelled together.
Can I purchase Death plan if I already have a medical condition?

No, we are unable to offer you Death plan if you already have a medical condition.

Am I required to go for a medical checkup to purchase Death plan?

No medical checkup or examination is required. You just need to complete the medical survey. You can also get our panel doctor from a panel clinic near you to assist you to answer. All you need to do is to pay the medical survey fee to the panel clinic first and we will reimburse you when your coverage starts.

What will happen if I did not answer the medical survey truthfully or mistakenly declare wrong information?

It is important that you disclose all required information correctly and truthfully. False disclosure may result in claims rejection. We reserve the right to verify all information provided by you and may void/cancel the policy if we discover that you have provided incorrect information.

When will I receive my policy document after purchasing Death plan?

Immediately upon successful purchase, you can view your Product Disclosure Sheet and Policy Contract in your DearTime account.

Will there be an agent to assist me in purchasing, editing and claiming my coverage?

We have made insurance processes simple, fully digital and at your convenience. If you have any question, you can contact us via live chat, email or our customer service helpline.

Who can I nominate?

You can nominate any individual as nominee for your policy. However, you cannot nominate a corporation or organization.

Can I change my nominees?

Yes, you can change your nominees anytime in your DearTime account, unless a Trust is created as follows whereby consent from the Trustee is required:

A Trust in favor of the Nominee(s) is created under Section 130 of the Financial Services Act 2013 (Schedule 10), if the Nominee(s) of the Policy Owner (other than a Muslim Policy Owner) falls into one or more of the following categories:

  1. Spouse only; or
  2. Child only; or
  3. Spouse and Child only; or
  4. Parent only (where there is no spouse or child living at the time of making this nomination).
Who may I contact for enquiries on my coverage and where can I get more information?

Live chat: in DearTime app 
Customer Service Helpline: +603 8605 3511
Email: help@deartime.com


What is Disability plan?

Disability plan is a yearly renewable term plan that pays you a lump sum amount (“Coverage Amount”) if you suffer from Total Permanent Disability (“TPD”) from all causes.

What is the definition of TPD?

TPD is a condition in when you suffer a permanent disability arising from illness or injury and you are unable to do any work anymore or perform basic living functions. For the complete definition of TPD, kindly refer to Product Disclosure Sheet or Contract.

How long is the coverage?

Disability coverage lasts for 1 year. You can renew the policy every year until you are 70 years old.

Does this product suit me?

This product is suitable if you want pure protection at the most affordable cost. However, you should be satisfied that this plan fulfils your needs and that the premium is within budget.

What is the amount of coverage I should choose?

The aim is to reduce your family’s and your financial burden should an unfortunate event happens. The amount of coverage depends on your budget and financial needs. Nevertheless, you must ensure that you can afford the premium throughout the coverage term. Click here to find out the coverage amount that suits you.

How much premium do I have to pay?

Premium depends on your age, gender, occupation and amount of coverage. You only pay for what you need, hence your premium increases as you age at each renewal date. To find out what your current and future premiums are, please refer to Product Disclosure Sheet.

Is there any additional fees that I need to pay?

No additional fees will be charged.

Do I get Income Tax Relief for premiums paid?

Yes, you may qualify for personal income tax relief subject to final decision of the Inland Revenue Board.

Who is eligible to purchase Disability plan?

All Malaysians aged between 14 days old and 65 years old is eligible to purchase this plan.

I’m a Malaysian, however, I’m now residing in another country. Can I buy this plan?

Unfortunately, we are unable to provide you with an insurance policy at this time. We are working hard to offer coverage for customer in your situation; you may sign up to become our User and stay tuned for future updates.

How can I know more about the features and benefits of Disability plan?

You can learn more about the features, benefits and exclusion by referring to the Product Disclosure Sheet and Contract.

Why do I need to provide documents like MyKad and take a selfie?

It is our duty, as a responsible financial institution, to verify the identity of our customers. Please ensure the image provided shows your details clearly. We reserve the right to cancel your policy if we are unable to satisfactorily verify your identity through the documents provided.

How do I change my contact details?

You can change your email address and mobile number in DearTime App. If you change your email address, we will send the verification code to your mobile number, and vice versa.

Is Sales and Services Tax (SST) chargeable for DearTime products?

SST is only chargeable to corporate payers and not to individual payers. However, the government may impose or increase taxes at any time which you may be required to pay at the prevailing rate.

What happens if my auto billing of premium fails?

If auto billing of premium fails, your coverage will be deactivated automatically if the premium is not paid within the grace period of 30 days.

Can I reactivate my coverage after it is deactivated?

No, you have to go through the usual purchase process.

Can I change my premium payment frequency?

Payer may switch the premium frequency anytime between monthly and yearly:

  1. If it is switched to monthly mode, the new premium frequency will take effect from the next premium due date.
  2. If it is switched to yearly mode, the new premium frequency will take effect immediately upon successful payment of unpaid annual premium that is outstanding until the next renewal date.
Can I change my payment card?

Yes, you can change your payment card on DearTime App under your user account. The new card will be charged on the next premium due date.

Can I change the amount of coverage after purchasing?

You can increase or decrease the Coverage Amount anytime in DearTime App:

  1. Increased coverage amount will take effect immediately upon successful payment of additional premium prorated to the next premium due date.
  2. Decreased coverage amount will take effect on the next premium due date.
Can I cancel my coverage after purchasing it?

Yes, you can:

  1. If you cancel your policy within 15 days from the date you first purchase, we will refund your premium to your bank account.
  2. After the 15-days cancellation period, you can deactivate your coverage anytime. Your coverage will be deactivated on the next premium due date. There will be no refund of premium.
Can I purchase Disability plan if I already have a medical condition?

No, we are unable to offer you Disability plan if you already have a medical condition.

Am I required to go for a medical checkup to purchase Death plan?

No medical checkup or examination is required. You just need to complete the medical survey. You can also get our panel doctor from a panel clinic near you to assist you to answer. All you need to do is to pay the medical survey fee to the panel clinic first and we will reimburse you when your coverage starts.

What will happen if I did not answer the medical survey truthfully or mistakenly declare wrong information?

It is important that you disclose all required information correctly and truthfully. False disclosure may result in claims rejection. We reserve the right to verify all information provided by you and may void/cancel the policy if we discover that you have provided incorrect information.

When will I receive my policy document after purchasing Disability plan?

Immediately upon successful purchase, you can view your Product Disclose Sheet and Policy Contract in your DearTime account.

Will there be an agent to assist me in purchasing, editing and claiming my coverage?

We have made insurance processes simple, fully digital and at your convenience. If you have any question, you can contact us via live chat, email or our customer service helpline.

Who may I contact for enquiries on my coverage and where can I get more information?

Live chat: in DearTime app
Customer Service Helpline: +603 8605 3511
Email: help@deartime.com


What is Medical plan?

Medical plan is a yearly renewable term plan which covers your medical bills for hospitalizations and treatments.

How long is the coverage?

Medical coverage lasts for 1 year. You can renew the policy every year until you are 70 years old.

Does this product suit me?

This product is suitable if you want pure protection at the most affordable cost. However, you should be satisfied that this plan fulfils your needs and that the premium is within budget.

What is Deductible?

Deductible is the amount of medical bill you need to pay first for each private hospital admission before DearTime pays the rest.

What is the Deductible amount per admission that I should choose?

The aim is to reduce your family’s financial burden should an unfortunate event happens. The Deductible amount depends on your budget and financial needs. Nevertheless, you must ensure that you can afford the premium throughout the coverage term.

How much premium do I have to pay?

Premium depends on your age, gender, occupation and the amount you choose to bear for each hospital admission. You only pay for what you need, hence your premium increases as you age at each renewal date. To find out what are your current and future premiums, please refer to Product Disclosure Sheet.

Is there any additional fees that I need to pay?

No additional fees will be charged.

Do I get Income Tax Relief for premiums paid?

Yes, you may qualify for personal income tax relief subject to final decision of the Inland Revenue Board

Who is eligible to purchase Medical plan?

All Malaysians aged between 14 days old and 55 years old is eligible to purchase this plan.

I’m a Malaysian, however, I’m now residing in another country. Can I buy this plan?

Unfortunately, we are unable to provide you with an insurance policy at this time. We are working hard to offer coverage for customer in your situation; you may sign up to become our User and stay tuned for future updates.

How can I know more about the features and benefits of Medical plan?

You can learn more about the features, benefits and exclusion by referring to the Product Disclosure Sheet and Contract.

Why do I need to provide documents like MyKad and take a selfie?

It is our duty, as a responsible financial institution, to verify the identity of our customers. Please ensure the image provided shows your details clearly. We reserve the right to cancel your policy if we are unable to satisfactorily verify your identity through the documents provided.

How do I change my contact details?

You can change your email address and mobile number in DearTime App. If you change your email address, we will send the verification code to your mobile number, and vice versa.

Is Sales and Services Tax (SST) chargeable for DearTime products?

SST is only chargeable to corporate payers and not to individual payers. However, the government may impose or increase taxes at any time which you may be required to pay at the prevailing rate.

What happens if my auto billing of premium fails?

If auto billing of premium fails, your coverage will be deactivated automatically if the premium is not paid within the grace period of 30 days.

Can I reactivate my coverage after it is deactivated?

No, you have to go through the usual purchase process.

Can I change my premium payment frequency?

Payer may switch the premium frequency anytime between monthly and yearly:

  1. If it is switched to monthly mode, the new premium frequency will take effect from the next premium due date.
  2. If it is switched to yearly mode, the new premium frequency will take effect immediately upon successful payment of unpaid annual premium that is outstanding until the next renewal date.
Can I change my payment card?

Yes, you can change your payment card on DearTime App under your user account. The new card will be charged on the next premium due date.

Can I change the amount of coverage after purchasing?

You can increase or decrease the Coverage Amount anytime in DearTime App:

  1. Increased coverage amount will take effect immediately upon successful payment of additional premium prorated to the next premium due date.
  2. Decreased coverage amount will take effect on the next premium due date.
Can I cancel my coverage after purchasing it?

Yes, you can:

  1. If you cancel your policy within 15 days from the date you first purchase, we will refund your premium to your bank account.
  2. After the 15-days cancellation period, you can deactivate your coverage anytime. Your coverage will be deactivated on the next premium due date. There will be no refund of premium.
Can I purchase Medical plan if I already have a medical condition?

No, we are unable to offer you Medical plan if you already have a medical condition.

Am I required to go for a medical checkup to purchase Death plan?

No medical checkup or examination is required. You just need to complete the medical survey. You can also get our panel doctor from a panel clinic near you to assist you to answer. All you need to do is to pay the medical survey fee to the panel clinic first and we will reimburse you when your coverage starts.

What will happen if I did not answer the medical survey truthfully or mistakenly declare wrong information?

It is important that you disclose all required information correctly and truthfully. False disclosure may result in claims rejection. We reserve the right to verify all information provided by you and may void/cancel the policy if we discover that you have provided incorrect information.

I have an existing DearTime’s Medical plan. Can I buy another Medical plan?

No. Only 1 medical plan per insured.

When will I receive my policy document after purchasing Medical plan?

Immediately upon successful purchase, you can view your Product Disclosure Sheet and Policy Contract in your DearTime account.

When will I receive my medical card after purchasing Medical plan?

Immediately upon successful purchase, your e-medical card will be made available in your DearTime mobile application under the claim menu. You can use the e-medical card for hospital admission.

Will there be an agent to assist me in purchasing, editing and claiming my coverage?

We have made insurance processes simple, fully digital and at your convenience. If you have any question, you can contact us via live chat, email or our customer service helpline.

Who may I contact for enquiries on my coverage and where can I get more information?

Live chat: in DearTime app 
Customer Service Helpline: +603 8605 3511
Email: help@deartime.com

Medical (GH)

What is Medical (GH) plan?

Medical (GH) plan is a yearly renewable term plan which covers medical bills in government hospitals exclusively for those sponsored under Sponsored Insurance

How long is the coverage?

Medical (GH) coverage lasts for 1 year. It is renewable every year, subject to availability of DearTime Charity Fund, until you are 70 years old.

Who is eligible for Medical (GH) under Sponsored Insurance?

B1 and B2 group of Malaysian citizens with monthly household income up to RM3,169 and below can apply for Sponsored Insurance sponsorship to be covered with Medical (GH).

I’m a Malaysian, however, I’m now residing in another country. Am I eligible to apply for Sponsored Insurance?

Unfortunately, we are unable to provide you with an insurance policy at this time. We are working hard to offer coverage for customer in your situation; you may sign up to become our User and stay tuned for future updates.

How much premium do I have to pay?

Those who are sponsored for this coverage under Sponsored Insurance do not need to pay any premium. The premium is fully paid for by DearTime Charity Fund. To find out what are your current and future premiums, please refer to Product Disclosure Sheet and Contract.

Is there any additional fees that I need to pay?

No additional fees will be charged.

How can I know more about the features and benefits of Medical (GH) plan?

You can learn more about the features, benefits and exclusion by referring to the Product Disclosure Sheet and Contract.

Why do I need to provide documents like MyKad and take a selfie?

It is our duty, as a responsible financial institution, to verify the identity of our customers. Please ensure the image provided shows your details clearly. We reserve the right to cancel your policy if we are unable to satisfactorily verify your identity through the documents provided.

How do I change my contact details?

You can change your email address and mobile number in DearTime App. If you change your email address, we will send the verification code to your mobile number, and vice versa.

Can I edit my coverage?

Yes, you can. However, you can only edit your coverage during renewals.

Can I cancel my coverage after successful sponsorship of Sponsored Insurance?

Yes, you can cancel your coverage within 15 days from your coverage start date and the premium paid will be refunded to DearTime Charity Fund.

Can I be covered under Medical (GH) plan if I already have a medical condition?

No, we are unable to offer you Medical (GH) plan if you already have a medical condition.

Am I required to go for medical checkup to be sponsored for Medical (GH) plan?

No medical checkup or examination is required. You just need to complete the medical survey. You can also get our panel doctor from a panel clinic near you to assist you to answer. All you need to do is to pay the medical survey fee to the panel clinic first and we will reimburse you when your coverage starts.

What will happen if I did not answer the medical survey truthfully, or mistakenly declare wrong information?

It is important that you disclose all required information correctly and truthfully. False disclosure may result in claims rejection. We reserve the right to verify all information provided by you and may void/cancel the policy if we discover that you have provided incorrect information.

I have an existing Medical plan. Can I apply for Medical (GH) plan?

No. Only 1 medical plan per insured.

When will I receive my coverage contract after successful sponsorship for Medical (GH) plan?

Immediately upon successful sponsorship, you can view your Product Disclosure Sheet and Policy Contract in your DearTime account.

Who may I contact for enquiries on my coverage and where can I get more information?

Live chat: in DearTime app 
Customer Service Helpline: +603 8605 3511
Email: help@deartime.com


Critical Illness Product Claim

How do I make a claim?

It is our priority to ensure that you can successfully submit a claim application Hence, we have digitized the claim process, you can complete the claim process using our app.

What are the steps involved in making a Critical Illness claim?

DearTime has made insurance claim simple and fully digitalised for your ultimate convenience:

Step: –

  1. In our app, select the product for which the claimant (the Contract Owner) wishes to make a claim from the “Claim” menu.
  2. Read and acknowledge the consent to allow us to obtain the necessary medical report from attending physicians/hospitals in order to validate the claim.
  3. Use face scan to verify the claimant’s identity (after 3 times failed, a pin code will send to claimant registered phone number for verification).
  4. Select the hospital where the insured received treatment from our panel hospital list (for non-medical product only). A claim code will be generated.


    • Please select “non-panel hospital” if the hospital is not on the list.
    • Please select “hospital not involved” if the insured has not been admitted/treated/involved in any hospital
  5. If a panel hospital is chosen, the claimant only needs to show the claim code at the medical record department/counter and pay the medical report fee to the hospital. Claim will be registered and we will work with panel hospital to validate the claim.

    If “non-panel hospital” or “hospital not involved” is chosen, claim will be registered, and you will need to provide the required information and proofs of claim (if applicable) as instructed in our app.

Can I claim my Critical Illness insurance coverage immediately after I have purchased?

From the day you purchase Critical Illness plan, you need to wait a fixed number of days before you can claim:

  1. 60 days for cancer, heart attack, coronary artery by-pass surgery, serious coronary artery disease and angioplasty & other invasive treatments for coronary artery disease.
  2. 30 days for other critical illnesses.
I have submitted my claim. How long do I have to wait to receive my coverage amount?

We will process your claim and deposit the approved coverage amount into your bank account within 7 working days of receiving all required claim information from the panel hospital or from you.

Can I appoint someone else to make a claim on behalf?

No. We only accept claims from you (as the Contract Owner) to ensure your interests are protected and the claim is legitimate.

Is there any event I’m not able to claim the full coverage amount of my Critical Illness?

In the event you undergo Angioplasty and Other Invasive Treatments for Major Coronary Artery Disease, 10% of the coverage amount will be payable, subject to a maximum of RM25,000. Payment under this benefit will reduce your coverage amount and premium payable, and is only allowed once. After payment under this benefit, your coverage continues for the remaining 44 covered critical illness with the reduced coverage amount.

Is there any exclusion that I need to be aware of?

This plan does not cover critical illnesses arising from pre-existing conditions, congenital defect or disease diagnosed before 17 years old, AIDS, HIV, self-inflicted injury, and death within 30 days from the diagnosis of critical illness.

Please see the Contract for a complete list of exclusions

Who should I contact if I have questions about my claim, and where can I find more information?

Live chat: in DearTime app or web
Customer Service Helpline: +603 8605 3511
Email: help@deartime.com

Death Product & Accident Product (causing death) Claim

How do I make a claim?

If you purchase the Death or Accident product, you must register your nominee, and we will notify the nominee to create a DearTime user account. When you passed away, your nominee can file a claim through our app. For more information on nomination, please see the Nomination & Trust FAQ.

What are the steps involved in making a Death claim?

DearTime has made insurance claim simple and fully digitalised for your ultimate convenience:

Step: –

  1. In our app, select the product for which the claimant (the nominee) wishes to make a claim from the “Claim” menu.
  2. Read and acknowledge the consent to allow us to obtain the necessary medical report from the attending physician/hospitals in order to validate the claim.
  3. Use face scan to verify the claimant’s identity (after 3 times failed, a pin code will send to claimant registered phone number for verification).
  4. Select the hospital where the insured received treatment from our panel hospital list (for non-medical product only). A claim code will be generated.


    • Please select “non-panel hospital” if the hospital is not on the list.
    • Please select “hospital not involved” if the insured has not been admitted/treated/involved in any hospital
  5. If a panel hospital is chosen, the claimant only needs to show the claim code at the medical record department/counter and pay the medical report fee to the hospital. Claim will be registered and we will work with panel hospital to validate the claim.

    If “non”-panel hospital” or “hospital not involved” is chosen, claim will be registered, and you will need to provide the required information and proofs of claim (if applicable) as instructed in our app.

I’m the nominee, I have submitted my claim. How long do I have to wait to receive the coverage amount?

We will process your claim and deposit the approved coverage amount) into your bank account within 7 working days of receiving all required claim information from the panel hospital or from you.

Please note that for trust policy, the claimed money will be deposited to trustee bank account. For more information on trust policy, you may refer to Nomination & Trust FAQ.

Can my nominee appoint someone else to make a claim on behalf?

No. We only accept claims from your nominee who has a registered DearTime account to ensure the nominee’s interests are protected and the claim is legitimate.

Is there any exclusion that I need to be aware of?


This plan does not cover death caused by suicide within the first year from the coverage start date.

Accident (causing death):
This plan does not cover accidental death caused by self-inflicted injuries, intoxications, war/warlike actions, illegal acts, mounted or wheeled racings, non-commercial flights, professional sports, use of prototype engines, infections, diseases, pregnancy, childbirth, miscarriage, pre-existing illness/injury, or nuclear radiations

Please see the Contract for a complete list of exclusions.

Who should I contact if I have questions about my claim, and where can I find more information?

Live chat: in DearTime app or web
Customer Service Helpline: +603 8605 3511
Email: help@deartime.com

Disability Product & Accident Product (causing total & permanent disability) Claim

How do I make a claim?

It is our priority to ensure that you can successfully submit a claim application. Hence, we have digitized the claim process, you can complete the claim process using our app.

What are the steps involved in making a Death claim?

DearTime has made insurance claim simple and fully digitalised for your ultimate convenience:

Step: –

  1. In our app, select the product for which the claimant (the Contract Owner) wishes to make a claim from the “Claim” menu.
  2. Read and acknowledge the consent to allow us to obtain the necessary medical report from the attending physician/hospitals in order to validate the claim.
  3. Use face scan to verify the claimant’s identity (after 3 times failed, a pin code will send to claimant registered phone number for verification).
  4. Select the hospital where the insured received treatment from our panel hospital list (for non-medical product only). A claim code will be generated.


    • Please select “non-panel hospital” if the hospital is not on the list.
    • Please select “hospital not involved” if the insured has not been admitted/treated/involved in any hospital
  5. If a panel hospital is chosen, the claimant only needs to show the claim code at the medical record department/counter and pay the medical report fee to the hospital. Claim will be registered and we will work with panel hospital to validate the claim.

    If “non”-panel hospital” or “hospital not involved” is chosen, claim will be registered, and you will need to provide the required information and proofs of claim (if applicable) as instructed in our app.

I have submitted my claim. How long do I have to wait to receive my coverage amount?

We will process your claim and deposit the approved coverage amount into your bank account within 7 working days of receiving all required claim information from the panel hospital or from you.

Can I appoint someone else to make a claim on behalf?

No. We only accept claims from you (as the Contract Owner) to ensure your interests are protected and the claim is legitimate.

Is there any exclusion that I need to be aware of?


This plan does not cover disability caused by self-inflicted injuries, non-commercial flights, war/warlike actions, pre-existing illnesses, illegal acts intoxications and participation in hazardous activities.

Accident (causing total and permanent disability):
This plan does not cover accidental Total and Permanent Disability caused by self-inflicted injuries, intoxications, war/warlike actions, illegal acts, mounted or wheeled racings, non-commercial flights, professional sports, use of prototype engines, infections, diseases, pregnancy, childbirth, miscarriage, pre-existing illness/injury, or nuclear radiations.

Please see the Contract for a complete list of exclusions.

Who should I contact if I have questions about my claim, and where can I find more information?

Live chat: in DearTime app or web
Customer Service Helpline: +603 8605 3511
Email: help@deartime.com

Medical Product Claim

How do I make a claim?

DearTime has made insurance claim simple and fully digitalised for your ultimate convenience.

During your admission to any one of our panel hospitals, you only need to show your DearTime digital medical card at the hospital counter. We will work with the panel hospital directly and issue your Guarantee Letter for your cashless admission.

Where is my medical card?

Your medical card is found under “Claim” menu in your DearTime App.

Do I need to pay admission deposit after my Guarantee Letter is issued?

Yes, most hospitals require a deposit as their admission process. This deposit will be refunded to you after Deductible and the charges that are not covered under your Medical plan.

What is Deductible?

Deductible is the amount of medical bill you need to pay first for each private hospital admission before DearTime pays the rest of eligible expenses.

Why is the issuance of my Guarantee Letter declined?

There are various reasons why your Guarantee Letter cannot be issued. Here are some examples:

  • Your Medical coverage is inactive, or the premium is not paid.
  • Your medical/physical condition falls under the list of exclusions.
  • You are admitted to a non-panel hospital.
It has been hours since my doctor said I can be discharged but the medical bill is still not settled. How long more do I have to wait?

On average, doctors take a few hours to complete your medical report before the hospital admin staff can generate your final hospitalisation bill. Once the bill is ready, DearTime takes about 30 minutes to process the final bill and issue final guarantee letter to panel hospital. If there is any outstanding amount that is not covered under your Medical plan, the hospital admin staff will advise you accordingly.

If I am admitted to a non-panel hospital (including government hospitals) or I have incurred any medical treatment charges that do not require admission, how do I claim my Medical insurance coverage?

DearTime has made insurance claim simple and fully digitalised for your ultimate convenience. If you are admitted to a non-panel hospital, you can claim for your medical bill reimbursement by providing the required information and uploading proofs of claim in your DearTime App.

I have submitted my claim for medical bill reimbursement. How long do I have to wait to receive my reimbursement?

From the date we receive all required claim information from you, we will process your claim and deposit the approved reimbursement into your bank account within 7 working days.

My Medical plan has an Annual Limit. What is Annual Limit?

Annual Limit is the maximum amount you can claim every policy year. Your Annual Limit will be refreshed on every policy renewal date.

I have been paying premiums for my Medical plan. Why do I still need to pay a fixed amount (deductible) when I am admitted to the hospital?

By paying a small sum of your own medical hospitalisation bill (deductible), DearTime can significantly reduce your premium charges, thus helping you save a lot of money in the long run.

Is there any exclusion not covered under Medical plan?

Yes, this plan does not cover medical charges caused by pre-existing illness, cosmetic/corrective surgery, prosthesis, dental condition, intoxication, venereal disease, quarantinable disease, congenital abnormality, pregnancy/childbirth related, self-inflicted injury, war/warlike action, nuclear radiation, organ donation, alternative therapy, mental disorder, hazardous sports, private flight, or sex change.

Please refer to the Contract for the full list of exclusions.

Is there any waiting period?

Yes. Depending on the types of illnesses, the following waiting period applies from Start Date:-

  1. 120 days for specified illnesses:
    • Hypertension, diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease
    • Tumour, cancer, cyst, nodule, polyp, stone of the urinary system
    • Ear, nose and throat condition
    • Hernia, haemorrhoid, fistulae, hydrocele and varicocele
    • Endometriosis including disease of the reproductive system
    • Vertebro-spinal disorder and knee condition
  2. 30 days for other illnesses
Does this Medical plan covers hospitalisation outside Malaysia?

Yes. Hospitalisation outside Malaysia is covered but on reimbursement basis and provided the treatment of the medical condition commences within 90 consecutive days from the date of departure from Malaysia.

Through Sponsored Insurance, I am covered under Medical (GH) plan. Can I claim this insurance coverage if I am admitted to a private hospital?

Medical (GH) plan under Sponsored Insurance covers all treatments and admissions to Government Hospitals (“GH”) only.

Who should I contact if I have questions about my claim, and where can I find more information?

Live chat: in DearTime app or web
Customer Service Helpline: +603 8605 3511
Email: help@deartime.com


What is Thanksgiving?

Life is busy, and sometimes it can be easy to forget to show your gratitude for all that you’ve been given. At the same time, a gifting act also helps in improving your emotional wellbeing by spreading love and care to the community via DearTime Sponsored Insurance, the first of its kind.

How does Thanksgiving works?

10% of the insurance premium payable will be allocated as Thanksgiving, which the Owner can use as a premium discount for himself (if Owner is classified as B40 group), as gratitude to the Referrer (if any), or as a gift to Sponsored Insurance.

Owner can allocate to any of the categories with a limit of up to 10%, during the purchase application via our mobile application.


If the Owner is under B40 group:
CategoriesPercentages (%)
Owner (self)5
Sponsored Insurance3
If the Owner is not under B40 group:
CategoriesPercentages (%)
Sponsored Insurance5

What is B40 Group?

B40 Group is the low-income group that forms the bottom 40% of Malaysian citizens whose monthly household income is RM4,849 and below.

If I’m under B40 group, how does the premium discount works?

The premium discount will be reflected on the checkout page based on the percentage that you have allocated.

What would happen to my Thanksgiving if my pay rises above the B40 threshold in the future?

Once you have updated your income in our application and it exceeded the threshold, your will not be eligible to receive the Thanksgiving. Hence, your premium will be adjusted accordingly in next premium due date. The percentage allocated to yourself will be reallocated to Sponsored Insurance.

May I know how does my contribution to Sponsored Insurance works?

The portion you allocated to Sponsored Insurance will be contributed to our Charity Fund. The charity fund will be then utilizing to sponsor insurance for those unable to afford it. For more detail, please refer to Sponsored Insurance FAQ.

Why should I allocate Thanksgiving to Sponsored Insurance?

DearTime’s slogan is “Touching One More Life”. We strongly believe in reaching out to those who truly need insurance, especially those in the ultra-low-income group via Sponsored insurance. With your generous participation in Thanksgiving, we can touch one more life together.

Do I have the chance to allocate the Thanksgiving if I’m sponsored by DearTime’s Sponsored Insurance?

If You are sponsored under Sponsored Insurance, then Thanksgiving amount shall be allocated fully to the DearTime Berhad – Charity Fund.

Is it possible for me to change my Thanksgiving allocation at any time?

Yes, you can make changes to your Thanksgiving allocation via our mobile app. The new allocation will take effects in next premium due date.

What is Referrer?

The person who invited you to join us is known as a Referrer. The Referrer’s name will appear in the Thanksgiving section, and you can use a portion of the Thanksgiving to express your gratitude. For more detail, please refer to Referral Program FAQ.

If my policy is void, what will happen to my Thanksgiving amount that has been allocated?

We uphold the principle of Thanksgiving (“gift”), all Thanksgiving that has been allocated will not be voided and non-refundable in any case may be.

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